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[경제] The Dynamics of Trade in Vegetables in Romania

루마니아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence 발간일 : 2024-07-01 등록일 : 2024-07-11 원문링크

The aim of the study was to identify current and future trends in terms of trade in vegetables in Romania starting from the analysis of imports and exports of horticultural products. The results of the research highlighted a significant imbalance in the trade in vegetables at the national level. The net higher values of imports compared to those of exports indicated that Romania presented an increased demand for vegetables imported from countries such as: Turkey, Holland, Germany, Poland and Spain, compared to exported values. This situation led to the registration of a deficit in the trade balance, which increased by 104 million euros in the last 3 years. The forecasts made for 2032 indicated a continuous increase in imports, reaching one million euros. At the same time, an increase in exports was anticipated, which will tend to reach 175 thousand euros, reflecting an attempt to compensate for the current imbalance.

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