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[외교/안보] Ensuring information security: Countering Russian disinformation in Ukrainian speeches at the United Nations

우크라이나 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Social Sciences & Humanities Open 발간일 : 2024-06-24 등록일 : 2024-07-19 원문링크

Disinformation is one of the major challenges to information security worldwide. Disinformation has also been an important component of the information front of the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war. This article identifies and describes the mechanisms used to counter Russian disinformation in Ukrainian speeches at the United Nations during the critical period of the first six months after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine actively counteracts Russian disinformation through speeches delivered at the United Nations. These speeches focus on explaining preconditions for the Russo-Ukrainian war, delivering first-hand stories of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, revealing the global significance of the Russo-Ukrainian war, discussing further possible outcomes of the war, and calling for further action against Russian aggression and disinformation. These mechanisms were utilized by the representatives of Ukraine at the United Nations in order to reveal Russia's disinformation campaign aimed at international audiences and debunk the respective false narratives about the reasons and nature of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Besides, these mechanisms were instrumental in ensuring information security of Ukraine and protecting democratic values.

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