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[경제] Enhancing economic diversification in Mongolia: an input–output analysis

몽골 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Taylor & Francis 발간일 : 2025-01-06 등록일 : 2025-01-30 원문링크

The Mongolian economy relies heavily on mineral exports, making it highly vulnerable to external demand and price shocks. Economic diversification is essential to reducing this dependency and enhancing resilience. This study aims to identify key sectors in the Mongolian economy and discuss their potential for economic diversification. An input-output analysis was conducted using the input-output table for 2018, employing backward and forward linkages along with multiplier analysis. The findings highlight energy and manufacturing are key sectors due to their strong linkages and multiplier effects on output, employment, and value-added. In contrast, finance and mining significantly contribute to labour productivity, while labour-intensive public sectors, including education, arts, health, and public administration, play a critical role in household income generation. Prioritizing investments in manufacturing and energy is crucial, as these sectors positively impact upstream sectors by adding value to mineral and livestock-based commodities, thereby playing a vital role in diversification efforts.

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