[정치] Ecuador’s elections, organized crime, and security challenges
에콰도르 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Brookings 발간일 : 2025-02-03 등록일 : 2025-02-04 원문링크
As Ecuadorians head to the polls on February 9 to elect the country’s president and national assembly members, security and criminal violence have overshadowed other issues, including the ongoing energy and unemployment crises. Once considered an “island of peace” escaping criminal violence, Ecuador has seen homicides surge by 430% over the past five years, femicides double, youth violence skyrocket by 640%, and extortion explode. The insecurity is debilitating to the lives of the Ecuadorian people. Ecuador’s rising crime also affects the United States by empowering dangerous criminal groups and exacerbating migration flows. Indeed, during his confirmation hearing, Secretary of State Marco Rubio highlighted Ecuador as a U.S. priority, particularly in addressing security threats and combating Chinese illegal fishing.
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