[경제] OECD Economic Surveys: Chile 2025
칠레 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - OECD 발간일 : 2025-01-15 등록일 : 2025-02-12 원문링크
Macroeconomic imbalances built during the pandemic have largely resolved. The Chilean economy has returned to its trend growth and inflation has fallen thanks to adequate macroeconomic policies. Ensuring fiscal sustainability should remain a priority to maintain public debt below the debt ceiling and address growing spending needs associated with the green and digital transitions, and an ageing population. Chile’s potential growth has weakened and increasing it will depend on its ability to remove structural barriers to lift productivity. Expanding access to high-quality childcare and elderly care and reducing education gender gaps can help unlock Chile’s full labour force potential and improve equality. Facilitating the adoption of digital tools by SMEs and boosting innovation through easier access to public R&D support are fundamental steps for the digital transformation. To meet its climate goals and take advantage of its abundant reserves of lithium and copper and high renewable energy potential, Chile should strengthen environmental policies, improve infrastructure, simplify business regulation, and prepare its workforce, while protecting water, biodiversity, and vulnerable populations.
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